Clarinet/bass clarinet/electronica
by grisha mumrikov
MoN - this project is an attempt of creation of artistic, pictorial and acoustic metaphor of pre-cognitive space, which gets into field of our vision for the first time, which there is probably outside of it that is nonlinear, unexcited and absolutely opaque (or absolutely transparent, that it is the same thing technically). In this state the space exists for a few moments – nearly at once it starts to be filled with our reactions, reactions to reactions, the comments and reaction analysis. The whole space begins to split into the signal elements, be structured, be compared with potential counterparts with varying degrees of swiftness, but pretty quickly. It starts to be filled with a text, turn into the text until it disappears, finally, in whole inside any random category. Being two-dimensional it can be get lost forever in indistinctly created file for something similar. If separate fragment of space-text starts to return with unalterable regularity it can be removed out of main context, appropriated and turned into lyric episode of private or collective autobiography. In this project I tried to create pictorial and acoustic sceneries maximally free from linear development, from narrative and didactic component. I would like to remember or approach again amazing moment of sincere surprise, which causes any space found itself within of our attention for the first time. Or, rather, sincere noticed for the first time. At this moment, before the space starts to be shared and scattered in our systems of denominations, it, breathless, retains its stunning integrity and impermeable non-dimension.

Video: Evgeny Ivanov
Music: MoN (Grisha Mumrikov)
Video by Daniil Zinchenko.
Music by MoN (Grisha Mumrikov
Authors idea and video Evgeniya Chapaikina&Ksusha Smyr Music by Grisha Mumrikov aka MoN.
Opera "Route"

An opera "Route" is a collective experience of virtual traversal of the path on the Losiny Island with an unclear purpose. The libretto of the opera is divided into two parts - it's the personal narrative of the traveler and comments from Wikimaps* about the places on the map through which the route is completed. The texts of these comments are set to music of collective authorship in a multi-polar genre diversity, forming what is called Hymments (hymnody of comments). The statements of commentators are a historical document, and the Losiny Island is a nature reserve in Moscow, which may soon cease to exist in the form it does now. The libretto was written in 2016, and the Hymments, which were heard on the tree tops or power line supports back then, now echo the geography that has turned into memory.

Idea and text by the author: Daniil Zinchenko

Lyrics: Comments from Wikimapia*

Music composers and performers:

Svetlana Sataeva

Grisha Mumrikov

Alina Kotova

Vyacheslav Sysoev

Daniil Zinchenko

Producer: Alexander Starikov

Sound: Anton Kuryshev

Mastering: Andrey Guryanov

Artist: Evgeny Sytyaev

Designer: beeechboizzz

Translator: Galina Mumrikova

Publishing and distribution - TOPOT label

Web implementation idea: Sandro Pesvianidze

Web site: 4x20+19% studio

Supported by Ekaterina Gracheva

Special thanks to Ludmila Zinchenko

* Wikimapia — is a geographic online encyclopedia project. The project implements an interactive "clickable" web map that utilizes Google Maps with a geographically-referenced wiki system, with the aim to mark and describe all geographical objects in the world.

Music Compositions for Video Projects
The Flame
Idea: Ira Tsykhanskaya Camera: Ira Tsykhanskaya/Misha Maximov GR: Ira Tsykhanskaya/Misha Maximov Sound/Music: Grisha Mumrikov aka MoN Staring: Ira Tsykhanskaya, Dima Fedorov, Natasha Lesinkova, Julia Sverchkova, Radmila Uralskaya.

The Shell
We live in cities, and cities live within us. Time passes, we move from city to city, from country to country. We change languages, habits, opinions, clothes. We change everything, and everything changes quickly. You live somewhere, work somewhere. You speak in a certain way, eat certain foods. You wear certain clothes and look at what surrounds you. You live as you know how; you are who you are. But what is home? Idea: Julia Mashkova Cinematography: Grisha Mumrikov Sound: Grisha Mumrikov 2024.

The Possessed
Idea by Ira Tsykhanskaya Camera: Nastya Kuzmina, Ira Tsykhanskaya, Grisha Mumrikov Cast: Misha Maximov, Veronika Myasnyakina, Masha Bezdenezhnykh, Evgeniya Bagrentsova, Anton Levashenko, Albert Soldatov, Dmitry Venkov, Anton Shipilov, Grigory Selsky, Vanya Branovec, Sasha Meteneva. VFX: Misha Maximov Music/Sound: Grisha Mumrikov 2015-2024

This work is based on Soviet-era archival materials dedicated to the so-called 'Moscow Pool'. This pool was created on the site of the demolished Cathedral of Christ the Savior, one of the most significant symbols of Russian spirituality. Despite the Soviet authorities' attempts to destroy religious traditions, people continued to seek spiritual solace even in such a place. Images of people bathing, as if performing the sacrament of baptism, symbolize the enduring power of the spirit and the inability of a totalitarian regime to completely suppress religious feelings. This work is a reminder that spiritual values are indestructible, and even in the darkest times, the human spirit strives for light. Video/Music by Grisha Mumrikov aka MoN
Director, artist, animation - Sasha Svirsky. Composer, music, sound - Grigory Shmidko Music - Grisha Mumrikov Synopsis: Dramatic story of a man and a woman who had a short but torrid love affair. The affair had high consequences - the young woman was pregnant and dreamt to get married with the father of a future baby, but the man chose a not young but rich bride instead of her. To hide his relationship with the young woman he went in for a terrible act. Some ants became witnesses of that act. As time passes the ants stop being just witnesses and following their instincts and laws known only to them they rule the destinies of the characters and redress an injustice. Festival list: Vkratze Short Film Festival, Volgograd, Russia, March 2014 - The second prize Future Film Festival, Bologna, Italy, April 2014 - competition program Kinolikbez Short Film Festival, Barnaul, Russia, May 2014 – The best animation film 8th Tarkovsky Film Festival THE MIRROR, Ples-Ivanovo, Russia, June 2014 – special program Insomnia Animation Film Festival, Moscow, Russia, July 2014 – The third prize 12th Fantoche Animation Film Festival, Baden, Switzerland, September 2014 – competition program FestAnca, Animation Film Festival, Bratislava, Slovakia, June 2014 – special program FIA Animation Film Festival, Montevideo, Uruguay, September 2014 – competition program 7th Banja Luka, Animation Film Festival, Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 2014 – competition program Big Cartoon Festival, Moscow, Russia, October 2014 Anilogue International Animation Festival, Budapest, Hungary, November 2014 – competition program 18th Holland Animation Film Festival, Utrecht, Netherland, March 2015 – competition program 19th Open Russian Festival of Animated Film, Suzdal, Russia, March 2015 – competition program 17th Mecal, International short film festival Barcelona, Spain, May 2015 – competition program 18th edition of the International Short Film Festival Barcelona Mecal Pro, Santiago de Chile, 2015 World Festival of Animated Film Varna, Bulgaria, September 2015 – competition program International Animated Film Festival KROK, Moscow-S.Petersburg, Russia, September 2015 LIAF, London, UK, December 2015 – competition program
She has been nominated for an Academy Award, two Grammy Awards, and the Mercury Prize
The duo CHORDA
The electro-acoustic improvisational project Chorda was founded in 2018 by St. Petersburg composer and sound artist Dima Anikin and Moscow electronic musician, clarinetist, and artist Grisha Mumrikov. Chorda's music combines many genres of electronic music, from drone to IDM, with an original interpretation of new age and dramaturgical thinking – both musicians have participated in theatrical and exhibition projects. The duo has performed in Moscow, St. Petersburg, at the Signal festival in Nikola-Lenivets and O.Z.O.R.A. in Hungary.
A concert at the Theatre of Nations. Moscow.
A concert at the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre.
A concert at the Urbanpoetry festival. Riga.
A concert at the Urbanpoetry festival. Riga.
Live performances
Listening to the walls
Idea by Grisha Mumrikov & Andrey Guryanov
Performance artists: Manthos Karras, Andrey Guryanov, Yorgos Stavridis, Grisha Mumrikov, Yorgos Stenos, Dasha Zvezdin, Anna Belorukova.
Director of photograhy: Andrey Silvestrov
Shot by: Ksenia Glagoleva, Michael Suntsov, Victor Ribas, Stas, Andrey Silvestrov.
Editing: Grisha Mumrikov
Mixing&Mastering: Andrey Guryanov
Special thanks: Mark Frolov, Oleg Voronov, Konstantin Evdokimov, Andrey Guryanov.
Montenegro, ThurmFort Gorazda, 2024.
The Letters
Description: Letters received while wrongfully imprisoned in Russia in 2022 for a non-existent anti-war protest. The performance, recorded in Montenegro, is a reflection on the support received from strangers during a difficult time.
Concept: Grisha Mumrikov
Director: Andrey Silvestrov
Vocals: Alexander Korenkov, Katerina Venter
Cinematography: Alexander
Sound Design: Grisha Mumrikov
Vibes against violence
Grisha Mumrikov – bass-clarinet, conductor. directing
Kristina Izgieva – piano
Vladimir Stoletov - cello
Sergey Vasilkivetc – sound art, concept
Ticha – beats
Amu Langa – hangpan
Vlad Boykov – synths, organising
Camera - German Plushchenko
Editing - Grisha Mumrikov
Mix/Mastering - Grisha Mumrikov
Montenegro, Podgorica
Underground Sound
Cave soundscape experiment. The cave, as a reminder that space is not neutral, will be a full participant in this performance, shaping the soundscape along with the musicians. Participants:
Ippolit Markelov
Grisha Mumrikov
Misha Tos
Sergey Vasilkivetc
Masha Molokova
Video by Julia Mashkova
Editing: Masha Molokova
Mix/mastering: Grisha Mumrikov
Montenegro, Cetine